Women, and their role in the settlement years of New Salem, Virginia, 1790-1830 : known as the domestic arts study, excluding spinning and weaving: apprenticeship study in the Heritage Arts Program, Fort New Salem, Salem College, Salem, West Virginia.

Creator Personal:
Schweiker, Carol Ann.
Women, and their role in the settlement years of New Salem, Virginia, 1790-1830 : known as the domestic arts study, excluding spinning and weaving: apprenticeship study in the Heritage Arts Program, Fort New Salem, Salem College, Salem, West Virginia.
Call Number:

Mimeograph of typescript. Outline for an apprenticeship study in the Heritage Arts Program, Fort New Salem, Salem College, Salem, West Virginia, 1977.

Subject Geographic:
New Salem (W. Va.)--History--1783-1865--Research.
Subject Topical:
Women--West Virginia--New Salem--History--Research.