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["Monograph.  Cover title.  At head of title: In the fifty-first Congress.  Contested election case from the Fourth Congressional District of West Virginia.  \"Charles B. Smith, Contestant, vs. J. M. Jackson, Contestee.\"  \"J. W. St. Clair, J. B. Jackson, Attorneys for Contestee.\"  Page VII is repeated in preliminary pagination.  "]
["Monograph.  Cover title.  At head of title: In the 51st Congress.  Contested election case from the Fourth Congressional District of West Virginia.  Brief for contestant.  \"Cole & Cole, W. N. Miller, Attorneys for Contestant.  J. M. Wilson, of Counsel.\"<br />"]
["Pamphlet.  Includes \"Speeches of Ex-Gov. Lincoln, Edward Everett, Caleb Cushing.  Resolutions adopted by the Meeting.  Letter of Ex-President Pierce, Judge Curtis, Ex-Gov. Morton and Clifford, Profs. Felton and Pierce, Erasmus D. Beach, and others.  Names of signers to the call.\" <br />"]