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["Print copies of digital scans of pamphlet."]
["Pamphlet.  \"Charleston, West Va., December 1, 1871. Hon. Dear Sir: Having solicited your support for the position of Clerk of the House of Delegates, I would respectfully submit the following testimonials.  W. T Burdett.\"<br />"]
["Pamphlet.  "Preliminary Prospectus of a new Town, located in a rich, beautiful and fertile country, among a prosperous, progressive and generous people, published for the consideration of Investor, Manufacturers, Mechanics and all live men, who desire an investment or a healthy home, in a place which, in the near future, must develop into that which nature intended it should be, 'One of the Best Towns in West Virginia'.""]
["Pamphlet.  \"Established, 1911. Revised, 1918.\" <br />"]
["<p> Event invitation. "You are respectfully invited to be present at the ceremonies attending the presentation of a sword to Captain F. E. Chadwick, U. S. N., by the citizens of West Virginia, at Morgantown, West Virginia. George W. Atkinson, Governor of West Virginia, Stephen B. Elkins, U. S. Senator, J. N. Camden, Ex-U. S. Senator, I. C. White, State Geologist, N. B. Scott, U. S. Senator."</p>"]